I can't believe it- my baby is starting Kindergarten in just 4 days!! Wow....where did the time go?? I did a little mini shoot with her last week in preparation for our Back to School mini shoots. I can't beleive that just a year and a half ago, she totally did not want her picture taken AT ALL. Everyone thinks that my kids are perfect models- well, they are now for the most part :) Of course, I only show you the great shots! Some day I will have to post some outtakes. It is definately a process when mom is taking your photots. My daughter when through a phase where she would only look to the side in pictures and my son is now going through the "stiff, scary grin" phase. Needless to say, we'll be waiting a bit before trying a shoot again....lol.
Speaking of Back to School.........
Have you checked out our amazing deal on Back to School mini sessions? This will be a one day only event at a special outdoor location (same location as our test shoot on Facebook!). It will be fun, interactive, and short (for those little ones with ants in their pants!). You will get an 8x10 print of your choice as well as 16 wallets and an online ordering gallery for all of your friends and family to order additional prints at a discounted rate! Up to two kids in the same session for $65 (if you have more than 2 kiddos that you would like to share a session, just add $10 to the session fee).
Oh......and did I mention that we now take credit cards??!! This is probably the thing I have been most excited about! We are using an awesome company called Square that allows to take credit cards when we are out and about (as well as at the studio). It runs through my Droid phone, you sign on phone's screen, and it emails or texts you a receipt. It's pretty nifty- isn't technology grand??
And one last thing- we have some seriously fabulous new branding. No, really. It's awesome. I'm in love. It's so me!! Your CD's will now come in some really fancy packaging and will eventually include a digital copyright release. We have new welcome packets for new clients and super cute gift certificates and business cards. The next thing on the list will be new price sheets for the first of the year.
I think that's it for now. Fall is coming. Get scheduled soon- peak foliage only lasts for a short time :)
Sarah Dennis Photography
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Can you believe it's August already? I mean, where did the summer go?? It seems like we finally got rid of the rain just in time for fall. School will be starting in a few weeks- crazy! My baby girl will be starting Kindergarten (sooo not ready for that!). I must admit, though, that I love the changing seasons. Especially fall. I love the cooler nights, the smell of leaves, the colors....
I've heard it said that the only constant thing is change and we are definately going through some changes here at Sarah Dennis Photography. Besides gearing up for fall and Christmas pictures (yes, I said the dreaded C word- and it's coming quicker than you think!), we are working on some amazing new branding and pricing. Shortly, we will have a survey up to get your input on these upcoming changes- and a little freebie for helping us out.
I must confess that the branding has taken more time than I first anticipated. I've had to really look at myself, my shooting style, and the image that I want to business to convey to all of you. I didn't want to make any rash decisions or changes that weren't consistant with our brand. I want the look of my business/marketing materials to show my clients who I am. A lot easier said than done! I think that I finally have the general welcome packets ready for printing....one down and million more to go. Soon, we will have beautiful CD packaging (that you are going to LOVE), pricing cards, matching gift certificates, etc. Lots of work designing them but sooo worth it! I will also be blogging more consistantly with little tidbits on life and work :)
Oh.....and you'll seeing a lot of our new slogan/motto/catchphrase.......
Your story begins here :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Time to Celebrate
Well, we have two major anniversaries coming up for the Dennis'! The first (and most important!) is our 10 year wedding anniversary. I can't believe it has been 10 year already- time does fly when you're having fun. As a special treat, we will be doing on a cruise (sans kiddos) to the Caribbean next month. Woot woot! It will be a much needed break from all the noise and chaos that is our life.
The second anniversary is our 1 yr anniversay for Sarah Dennis Photography!! Again, has it really been a year already??!! I really need to thank my hubby for all of his support (financial and emotional!) this year. We had some amazing highs (being selected as an affiliate photographer for Lil Blue Boo, making it into the top 50 photographers of Matilda Jane out of thousands of entries, meeting some really great people and capturing some awesome images, being nominated as Crawford County's best studio) and a few moments where we were biting our nails (Well, I was biting my nails. My husband was telling me settle down!). It's been an amazing ride that is only just beginning. I can't wait to see what God has in store for this little business of mine.
And speaking of what is in store......in honor of these two great anniversaries, we will be doing an amazing giveaway (well, two actually!). So here's the skinny on how you can get in on some GREAT deals!
Giveaway 1- a single 8x10 Organic Bloom frame- your choice of color and style!
Entering is easy! Just pop over to www.theorganicbloom.com. Check out their frames and colors and then post a comment on our facebook page of what style frame and color you would want if you win! For example: "I want to win an Ellie in Cream Soda". Easy peasy! We will randomly select a winner on June 30th (our wedding anniversary!) and they will receive the frame that they posted about. You must be able to pick up your frame at our studio, so make sure you are local!
Giveaway 2- a 60 minute shoot, completely stylized by me, with a copyright released CD!
Since this prize is sooo amazing, we are going to give you a few ways to enter. Stop over to our facebook page and post what your dream shoot would be if you win (Reality Check/Disclaimer- it has to be somewhat realistic! Sorry, no stowaways for our cruise or trips to Austraila!). For example: "My dream shoot would be shoot with all of my family at our family farm" or "My dream shoot would be a carnival themed shoot at Conneaut Lake Park" (Okay, that last one was MY dream, but I am all about sharing my vision with others). If you're the winner, we'll make it happen! The shoot can take place anywhere up to a 1hr drive from Conneaut Lake and is good for the next 12 months. Want an extra entry? Refer a friend to our facebook page (they need to post a comment that you sent them) or leave us a review on our feedback section of Facebook. Since we did not get enough entries for our last referral contest, I will carry over those entries for this contest so some of you will have a head start. A winner will be chosen randomly and the winner will be posted on July 8th!
I hope that gets to you pumped up and ready to celebrate! I know that I am!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Don't be tardy for the party!
So we know you've been waiting all day for this announcement! You may have been waiting all day but we have been working on this project for over a month now. While it's still not completely finalized (we still have some marketing shoots and print materials to produce), we are finally ready to roll it out to our customers. Drum roll please!!!!
Introducing...... Oh Snap! Portrait Parties by Sarah Dennis Photography!
What in the world is a portrait party??
You've attended Tupperware, Home Interiors, etc. right? Some of you have probably even hosted them. Maybe you were even a consultant. Portrait parties are basically the same idea except instead of buying candle or plastic containers, you are purchasing portraits of your kids! That's right, I said kids (Portrait parties are only open to ages 9 mo-12 yo with a few exceptions- we'll get to those later!). As a host, you not only will get the same awesome deals as the guests you invite, but you'll get a free extended session just for hosting as well as earn Host Rewards! Depending on the size of your party, you could get all of your portraits for free (and you'll earn extra rewards if a guest books their own party!). Hosting is easy- just invite 5-10 of your friends with kids! Your friends will love it- no pressure for them if Little Suzy is having a cranky day or if Jimmy wakes up with a cold. Plus no session fees and no pressure to buy- just a really fun play date with their friends in a relax atmosphere (I just happen to be there with a camera!). As an added bonus, our packages are discounted for your guests- meaning, the prices they receive if they do choose to buy will be cheaper than our regular studio prices (and include our most popular products like collage prints, Organic Bloom Frames, and accordian albums!).
Break it down for me, Sarah. How does all this work?
Step 1: Decide to host a party and contact us to select a date! We will begin Oh Snap! Portrait Parties in July and will book on a first come, first serve basis. Once a date is selected, we suggest that you pick a theme for your party- it can be classic portraits, When I Grow Up Sessions, Black and White, Tea Party- anything you like (remember I promised an exception to the age rule? We will on occassion offer Mommy and Me, Daddy and Me, and Family Portrait Parties. These will be exclusive parties at certain times of the year- watch for those announcements and book fast. Bookings will be limited)! This helps give your guests an idea of what to expect and helps them to dress/plan accordingly. You will also select a location and time. We suggest a park or outdoor location for maximum fun! You may also host at our studio if you like.
Step 2: Gather a list of friends and review our Host packet that will be mailed to you. It will include invitations for you to mail to your guests. Remember to invite 5-10 guest. You will need to have 5 confirmed guests to receive Host Rewards and no more than 10 guests.
Step 3: Enjoy your Oh Snap! Portrait Party!!
Step 4: Sarah Dennis Photography will schedule a follow up time (approx 1 week later) to meet with your guests to place their orders. If you prefer, we can set up online ordering through our website. We will deliver your guests orders to you to distribute.
Step 5: Hang all of your fab new FREE portraits that you earned from your portrait party and schedule your next party!!
How easy is that?!! 5 simple steps! So RUN! You don't want to be tardy for the party, now do you?? Okay, don't really run (we wouldn't want you to get hurt and MISS the party). But at least walk really really fast to your phone and call to book your own Oh Snap! Portrait Party- (814) 213-0320 today!
Introducing...... Oh Snap! Portrait Parties by Sarah Dennis Photography!
What in the world is a portrait party??
You've attended Tupperware, Home Interiors, etc. right? Some of you have probably even hosted them. Maybe you were even a consultant. Portrait parties are basically the same idea except instead of buying candle or plastic containers, you are purchasing portraits of your kids! That's right, I said kids (Portrait parties are only open to ages 9 mo-12 yo with a few exceptions- we'll get to those later!). As a host, you not only will get the same awesome deals as the guests you invite, but you'll get a free extended session just for hosting as well as earn Host Rewards! Depending on the size of your party, you could get all of your portraits for free (and you'll earn extra rewards if a guest books their own party!). Hosting is easy- just invite 5-10 of your friends with kids! Your friends will love it- no pressure for them if Little Suzy is having a cranky day or if Jimmy wakes up with a cold. Plus no session fees and no pressure to buy- just a really fun play date with their friends in a relax atmosphere (I just happen to be there with a camera!). As an added bonus, our packages are discounted for your guests- meaning, the prices they receive if they do choose to buy will be cheaper than our regular studio prices (and include our most popular products like collage prints, Organic Bloom Frames, and accordian albums!).
Break it down for me, Sarah. How does all this work?
Step 1: Decide to host a party and contact us to select a date! We will begin Oh Snap! Portrait Parties in July and will book on a first come, first serve basis. Once a date is selected, we suggest that you pick a theme for your party- it can be classic portraits, When I Grow Up Sessions, Black and White, Tea Party- anything you like (remember I promised an exception to the age rule? We will on occassion offer Mommy and Me, Daddy and Me, and Family Portrait Parties. These will be exclusive parties at certain times of the year- watch for those announcements and book fast. Bookings will be limited)! This helps give your guests an idea of what to expect and helps them to dress/plan accordingly. You will also select a location and time. We suggest a park or outdoor location for maximum fun! You may also host at our studio if you like.
Step 2: Gather a list of friends and review our Host packet that will be mailed to you. It will include invitations for you to mail to your guests. Remember to invite 5-10 guest. You will need to have 5 confirmed guests to receive Host Rewards and no more than 10 guests.
Step 3: Enjoy your Oh Snap! Portrait Party!!
Step 4: Sarah Dennis Photography will schedule a follow up time (approx 1 week later) to meet with your guests to place their orders. If you prefer, we can set up online ordering through our website. We will deliver your guests orders to you to distribute.
Step 5: Hang all of your fab new FREE portraits that you earned from your portrait party and schedule your next party!!
How easy is that?!! 5 simple steps! So RUN! You don't want to be tardy for the party, now do you?? Okay, don't really run (we wouldn't want you to get hurt and MISS the party). But at least walk really really fast to your phone and call to book your own Oh Snap! Portrait Party- (814) 213-0320 today!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Win a free session with Sarah Dennis Photography!
I don't know about you guys, but I love free stuff! We love our clients so much that we decided it is time for a giveaway!! Trust me, this is going to be easy. All you have to do is invite your friends to like our facebook page: http://http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-Dennis-Photography/125767934121642#!/pages/Sarah-Dennis-Photography/125767934121642?sk=wall. After they like our page, they need to leave a comment saying who referred them- for example "Lisa Jones sent me!". And that's it! You are entered to win! The more people you refer, the more chances you have to win. Once we hit 600 fans, we will randomly select a winner. So what exactly are you going to win? Well, that's the best part! One winner will receive a free 1 hour session with us including a copyright released CD of their images- valued at $125! So that's it. Short and sweet. Now start inviting!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
What Matters Most

I recently had the pleasure of viewing a video by a very well known photographer, reflecting on his life and career. In his video, he poses a question to both the viewer and himself- why do you do what you? I mean, photography isn't exactly curing cancer, right? Some photographers are arrogant about their work but most that I have come in contact with are exactly the opposite. They question and doubt their abilities weekly, if not daily. They are constantly trying to reinvent themselves, keep up with the current trends while staying true to their art, learning new techniques- the list goes on and on. Some quit. Some close up shop. Some put their cameras down for good because they feel like the pressure to succeed is too great. Most are never satisfied with where they are at and rarely see their work for what it truly is. So why do we do what we do?
For me, this was a difficult question. Starting a business was the last thing on my mind at this time last year. In fact, at about this time, I was sitting on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in Israel, asking God what he had planned for my life. I was just about to complete a 2 week journey through Israel, Jordan, and Egypt and still wasn't really sure why God had called me there- to the roots of my faith. All I knew was that something was beginning............
A few whirlwind months later and Sarah Dennis Photography was born- a dream of mine for many years. And then our actual studio opened November 1st, 2010. Wow. Has it really only been 6 months? God has poured out his blessings on our business over and over again this year.
I had an opportunity to take my son out for a really fun photo shoot this afternoon- totally unplanned and sponteneous. I was able to get back to my roots and what I really love doing as an artist- capturing life. Outdoor/natural light photography is what I love. Being able to capture real expressions and emotions is what inspires me. It drives me to learn more and to be better. These connections are what matter most to me. It's my little contribution to this great big world-a way to hold on to memories that are so quickly fleeting. A newborn baby, so full of sweetness and joy. A family's love as they prepare for yet another military deployment. A confident teen ready to conquer the world on graduation day. A tearful groom beholding his bride for the first time. A six year old little boy that will too soon be a man (but for now thinks his mom is the most beautiful girl in the world).
I don't know about you but I am not ready for those memories to fade. I want to clutch them to chest, much like my quiet moments on the shore of the Sea. But time marches on for all of us. Thank you Lord, for giving me such a wonderful gift and the ability to share it with others. Help me to always remember what truly matters the most- You.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Rockin Reps (and Rewards!)

Sarah Dennis Photography is on the hunt for 2012 senior reps! What's in it for you?? Well, lots of stuff! Our senior reps receive a free iphone cover with a picture from your session, free senior rep cards to hand out to your friends (like those pictured above), digital files for your Facebook profile, and the opportunity to earn all kinds of free stuff. That's right- FREE STUFF! For every senior that you refer to us, you both get a $10 credit. Credits can be used for all sorts of things- session fees, Organic Bloom frames, prints, press books, graduation announcements, party invites, accordian albums, etc. Nothing is off limits and there is no limit to the number of credits you can earn! We only take a limited number of senior reps, so be sure to book your session now! Visit www.sarahdennisphotography.com and fill out a contact form- just put "senior rep" in the message field. We can't wait to hear from you!

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